



Mitt Romney is a Mormon. Mormonism has a very tight bond with freemasonry. There are many similarities between Mormonism and Christianity, but there are also critical differences: According to Mormonism God came from another planet, He spreads life on many celestial bodies. But a lot of those life forms ultimately will perish.


Many Mormons believe the moon and even the sun could be inhabited. But if the sun is habited we think it must be by a plasma life form, a thought that science fiction writer and Mormon Eric James Stone, undoubtedly after a lot of research, has written down in a book.


Does it need to be said that Mormonism is based on Egyptian papyri? Remarkable that according to the book of Abraham -inspired by the Egyptian papyri- the moon is bigger than the earth. Other remarkable aspects: Mormons believe the earth is a displaced planet. And they believe in the plurality of God. Even a human being can become a god in the aftermath, of course he has to have lived righteous ...


Note that like with every religion Mormonism must include a lot of fantasy and a lot of fanatics. But Mr Romney is not a fanatic, neither is Mr Stone, and neither are we ...